Thursday, February 15, 2007

Coming up!

Recently, I've learned about and become terribly disturbed by the Asset Forfeiture laws.
Wikipedia's Entry on Civil Asset Forfeiture

As far as I can tell, these laws are a violation of the 5th amendment which guarantees all Americans the right to due process of law.

I brought this to Mr. Obama's attention. As a former professor of constitutional law, I have no doubt he is aware of this un-American violation of the U.S. Constitution, and I expect he is already developing a platform in favor of expunging the law books of all asset forfeiture laws. I look forward to learning his opinion on this terribly critical problem.

James Ealy is a monster who killed a pregnant woman and three children when he was a very young man. He was convicted of the murders, but his conviction was thrown out when it was discovered his right to due process of law had been violated. Late last year, he killed another woman in Lindenhurst, IL. If anyone should be denied due process of law, it should have been this monster. But, he was freed to kill again. While, regular Janes and Joes like you and me are exposed to Civil Asset Forfeiture laws that could be used to deny us property without the due process of law.

All of this is disturbing to me. I asked for Obama's views just yesterday. I hope for a response soon.

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